# Download:
$ Wget http://infondlinux.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/infondlinux.sh
# Install:
$ sudo infondlinux.sh
# Debian packages
# - Imagemagick
# - Vim
# - Less
# - Gimp
# - Build-essential
# - Wipe
# - Xchat
# - Pidgin
# - Vlc
# - Nautilus-open-terminal
# - Nmap
# - Zenmap
# - Sun-java6-plugin et et jdk jre
# - Bluefish
# - Flash-plugin-nonfree
# - Aircrack-ng
# - Wireshark
# - Ruby
# - Ascii
# - WebHTTrack
# - Socat
# - Nasm
# - W3af
# - Subversion
# - Wireshark
# - Mercurial
# - Libopenssl-ruby
# - Ruby-gnome2
# - Traceroute
# - Filezilla
# - Gnupg
# - Rubygems
# - Php5
# - Libapache2-mod-php5
# - Mysql-server
# - Php5-mysql
# - Phpmyadmin
# - Extract
# - P0f
# - Spikeproxy
# - Ettercap
# - Dsniff:
# * Arpspoof - send out unrequested (and possibly forged) arp replies.
# * Dnsspoof - forge replies to arbitrary DNS address / pointer queries on the Local Area Network.
# * Dsniff - password sniffer for Several protocols.
# * Filesnarf - saves selected files sniffed from NFS traffic.
# * Macof - flood the local network with random MAC addresses.
Mailsnarf # * - sniffs mail on the LAN and stores it in mbox format.
# * Msgsnarf - record selected messages from different Instant Messengers.
# * Sshmitm - SSH monkey-in-the-middle. proxies and sniffs SSH traffic.
# * Sshow - SSH traffic analyzer.
# * Tcpkill - kills specified in-progress TCP connections.
# * Tcpnice - slow down specified TCP connections via â € € œactiveâ traffic shaping.
# * Urlsnarf - output selected URLs sniffed from HTTP traffic in CLF.
# * Webmitm - HTTP / HTTPS monkey-in-the-middle. transparently proxies.
# * WebSpy - sends URLs sniffed from a client browser to your local
# - Unrar
# - Torsocks
# - Secure-delete
# - Nautilus-gksu
# - SqlMap
# - John the ripper
# Third party packages
# - Tor
# - Tor-geoipdb
# - Virtualbox 4.0
# - Google-chrome-stable
# Manually downloaded software and version
# - DirBuster (1.0RC1)
# - TrueCrypt (7.0a)
# - Metasploit framework (3.6)
# - WebScarab (latest)
# - Burp suite (01/03/2003)
# - Parosproxy (3.2.13)
# - Jmeter (2.4)
# - Rips (0.35)
# - Origami-pdf (latest)
# - Pdfid.py (0.0.11)
# - Pdf-parser.pym (0.3.7)
# - Fierce (latest)
# - Wifite (latest)
# - Pylori (3.2)
# - Skipfish (1.86 beta)
# - Hydra (6.2)
# - Maltego (3.0)
# - Set
# - Volatilty (1.3 beta)
# Home made scripts
# - Hextoasm
# - Md5crack.py (written by Corbiere)
# - Chartoascii.py
# - Asciitochar.py
# - Rsa.py
# Firefox extensions
# - Livehttpheaders
# - Firebug
# - Tamperdata
# - Noscript
# - Flashblock
# - FlashGot
# - FoxyProxy
# - Certificatepatrol
# - Chickenfoot 1.0.7
Source: http://www.thehackernews.com/2011/04/infondlinux-security-tools-install.html
gak berhasil gan...pada wkt install ane gagal...command not found gt,,
ReplyDelete$ sudo infondlinux.sh
sudo: infondlinux.sh: command not found
masuk kedalam folder tempat agan download infondlinux.sh nya..